Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How eFFectiVe is GRE Coaching??

My previous post on the GRE coaching centers' info begged the a common question: "Is it gonn'a be worthwhile, investing on GRE coaching?? Well from my point of view, the answer is a Joker in a card game scenario. In essence, value of the card vary with the change in the game. Let's think of your GRE preparation as a GAME and let me answer while sharing my experience on this.

I have seen students who went for coaching at the beginning of their game. By the time they were attending their orientation at the center, they had had bulk of the GRE curriculum finished, were revising the words and preparing for an early test taking. Understandably these guys usually never lose the game, 'cause they made the game kind of predictable- for them.

Again, I have seen some who start off their game at the coaching center. I was among one of them. Usually this group starts off their game in a relaxed manner, mostly due to the initial bubble of exuberance and excitement in which they remain engrossed for some time. Later this group ramifies into several subgroups: a group that consists of students jabbering too much instead of being serious with their study approach, another group of students get frustrated by the burden of studies and equally by their poor English and quit the game, while the last group struggles to stick to the game. I will leave it to the reader’s discretion to judge which subgroup eventually gets to see the game through to the end. The Result i.e. the Score varies depending on a lot of factors.

In essence, most students fall into one of the above mentioned category, but then again what is the role of the coaching centers in shaping their students? I would say the role is variable depending on each individual, as the same study load can interest and scare different students at the same time. Yet, overall the role can be seen as positive; at least I would do so. Why? Because At the coaching Center you get acquainted to GRE, get taught about key strategies and tricks for success and most important of all get to meet some people who feel the same way you do about future study prospects and regular interaction with them gives you a comparative view of the overall GRE situation and usually creates at least a bit of competitiveness in you- and all of these help. So the final words from me:: if you're serious, you shouldn’t mind spending several thousand on GRE coaching, but dont waste your money if you are still wondering around about taking GRE.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Coaching Centers for GRE/TOEFL at Dhaka

I have heard about four centers at Dhaka who are prominent/known for GRE/TOEFL test preparation coaching.
1. GED center INC. you can visit their website (I personally took coaching there)
2. GRE Center. Explore their website
3. Princeton education. Address: House 67/C, Road 11, Block E, Banani, Dhaka. Phone: 9888229, Cell: 01552-373134
4. S@ifur's Coaching Center. visit the website
Please don't feel resented if I have missed any. just wanted to share.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Some Useful Links!!

Dr Rajus GRE  (Very popular forum site for GRE quantitative ) (interactive site- check the quantitative part) (links to many other GRE websites). (A site with info regarding Masters in th US)

Things you can do before taking GRE

Use the following materials for GRE preparation:
1. Barron's GRE guide (very useful for both verbal and quantitative sections)
2. Nova's GRE guide (use it primarily for quantitative comparison)
3. GRE Bible Software (you can download it here GRE Bible v2.1)
4. GRE Math Bible book (you can downlaod it here GRE math Bible)
5. Powerprep Software (collect it from here ETS)
6. Visit and explore Dr Rajus GRE  (Very popular forum site for GRE quantitative )
7. If you are living at Dhaka, please pay a visit to the American Center. They facilitate you to take free GRE mock tests. It helps!!!
visit them on the web
8. You can also have a look at the GRE guides from Kaplan, Princeton Review and Arko. The more you know, the better prepared you are.
9. Devote at least a good 4-5 months for your GRE preparation.
10. Register at lease a couple of Months before the test.
 ******Practice as much as you can.....and then enter the hall!!*******